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Liquid Fertilizer

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2003 5:34 pm
by Patrick
Hi Bob,
I'm writing to get your input on digester operation. My intention for building a digester is to produce a liquid organic fertilizer for use in a green house. My question is, what proportion of water to solid must enter the digester in order for the digester to operate effectively and to produce adequate effleunt. Additionally, as methane production is not relevant for my purposes, is it essential that the digester be a 2-chamber system (for optimum performance) or can a liquid organic fertilizer be achieved through a single chamber design.


Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 1:16 pm
by Bob
Interesting idea, Patrick. I had not thought about using an anaerobic digester primarily to produce liquid organic fertilizer. But I would think that it has merit, having higher nitrogen content than, e.g., compost tea.

Regarding proportion of water to solid for optimum performance, I can only suggest trial and error. If HRT is to short, I would expect that the effluent might be too acidic. Otherwise, I'd guess just whatever is necessary for adequate flow through the system without clogging it up.

Again, sorry for the long delay in responding. I overlooked your post, and still haven't solved the email notification thing.